Details |
FromTo |
Name of the Organization |
Professor |
June, 2016 |
Till Date |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Associate Professor |
April, 2008 |
June, 2016 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
June, 2007 |
June, 2009 |
Kakatiya Institute of Technology & Science, Warangal. |
Assistant Professor |
November, 2000 |
February, 2006 |
CJITS, Jangoan, Warangal. |
Lecturer |
July, 2000 |
November, 2000 |
VMR Polytechnic, Warangal. |
Publications in Refereed Journals | |
S. No |
Details |
1 |
Rama Devi, K. Kishan Rao, M. Asha Rani, “Application of Modified Bellman-Ford Algorithm for Cooperative Communication,” Wireless Personal Communications, pp. 1-25, DOI :10.1007/s11277-019-06666-7. (Impact Factor: 0.929, SCI). |
2 |
Rama Devi Boddu, “Experimental Validation of Spectrum Sensing on Various Transceivers Using Software Defined Radio,” Wireless Personal Communications, 17 August 2019, (Impact Factor 0.929, SCI). |
Boddu Rama Devi, “Load Factor Optimization using Intelligent Shifting Algorithms in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” Cluster Computing-The Journal of Networks Software Tools and Applications, ISSN: 1386-7857 (Print), 1573-7543 (Online), (Impact factor: 2.040, SCI-E) |
4 |
Rama Devi Boddu, Susmitha Edla, “Thermometer approach-based energy distribution with fine calibration in a smart grid tree network,” J. Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier); vol. 72, pp. 393-405, Nov. 2018, ISSN: 0045-7906, (SCI J., Impact factor: 1.747). |
5 |
Rama Devi, M. Asha Rani, K. Kishan Rao, “Optimal Energy Calculation for Cooperative Grid Networks”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, (SCI-E), vol.74, pp.651-654, November 2015, ISSN: 0975-1084 (Online), ISSN: 0022-4456 (Print), (JCR 2014). URL: (Impact Factor: 0.5, SCI) |
6 |
Boddu Rama Devi, K. Srujan Raju, “Load Weight Based Energy Allocation and Energy Distribution Based on the Time Zone with Load Category in a Smart Grid”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer), presented in ICCII-2018 28-29 Dec., 2018 at JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad. (Scopus, in press). |
7 |
Boddu Rama Devi, K. Srujan Raju, “Energy Distribution using Block Based Shifting in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Springer), Vol. 712, pp. pp 609-618, ISSN: 21945357 , DOI: (Scopus indexed). |
8 |
Boddu Rama Devi, “Dynamic Weight based Energy Slots Allocation and Pricing With Load in a Distributive Smart Grid”, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 11-Special Issue, pp. 419-433, July 2017; ISSN: 1943-023X. (Scopus indexed). |
9 |
Boddu Rama Devi, Manjubala Bisi, Rashmi Ranjan Rout, “Fairness Index of Efficient Energy Allocation Schemes in a Tree Based Smart Grid,” Pakistan Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 14, Special Issue II, pp. 120- 127, 2017, ISSN:1812- 1837. (Scopus indexed). |
10 |
Boddu R.D., Kishan Rao K., Asha Rani M. (2016) Energy Efficient Modified Bellman Ford Algorithm for Grid and Random Network Topologies. In: In: Satapathy S., Raju K., Mandal J., Bhateja V. (eds) Proceedings of the Second Int. Page 4 of 16 Conf. on Computer and Communication Technologies. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 379, Springer, New Delhi. pp 143-151, 05 September 2015, ISSN No: 2194-5357. DOI:; ISBN: 978-81-322-2516-4 ; (Scopus indexed). |
11 |
Devi Boddu R., Rao K.K., Rani M.A. (2015) Performance Analysis of Modified Bellman Ford Algorithm Using Cooperative Relays. In: Satapathy S., Govardhan A., Raju K., Mandal J. (eds) Emerging ICT for Bridging the Future - Proceedings of the 49th Annual Convention of the Computer Society of India CSI Volume 2. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 338. Springer, Cham , pp 239-249, 2015. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-13731-5_27, ISSN: 2194-5357, ISBN No. 978-3-319-13730-8 (print), On line ISBN: 978-3-319-13731-5. (Scopus indexed) |
12 |
Boddu R. D., Rao K.K., Rani M.A. (2015) Co-operative Shortest Path Relay Selection for Multihop MANETs. In: Satapathy S., Biswal B., Udgata S., Mandal J. (eds) Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing: Theory and Applications (FICTA) 2014. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol. 328, Springer, Cham. pp 697-706, 2015, ISSN 2194- 5357, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-12012-6_77, (Scopus indexed) |
13 |
Rama Devi Boddu, Susmitha Edla, “Pipelined Learning Automation for Energy Distribution in Smart Grid,” Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2020, ICETE 2019, LAIS 3, pp. 732–742, 2020, (Scopus). |
14 |
B. Rama Devi, K. Kishan Rao, M. Asha Rani, “ Avoidance of Vehicular Collision and Implementation of Automatic Path Diversion in Emergency for Multi-hop VANETs using Cooperative Relay”, CiiT International Journal of Wireless Communication, vol. 7, no. 2, 2015, pp. 44-50. Date: February 2015, URL; , ISSN 0974-9756. |
15 |
K. Swetha, Dr. B. Rama Devi, “Traffic Signal Control with Routing Protocols in Vanets,” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research, vol. 4, Issue. 5, pp. 4219-4223, August – September 2016, ISSN No. 2320 –5547, URL: |
16 |
B. R. Devi , B. Komuraiah , A. Saipriya, “Improved Link aware Source Routing protocol for MANET”, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJIET), vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 506 – 512, June 2016, ISSN: 2319 – 1058. (Google indexed, Thomson Router Indexed Journal), URL: |
17 |
B. Rama Devi, M. Asha Rani, K. Kishan Rao, “Performance of Static Networks for Power Saving Mode”, International Journal of Advanced Engineering and Global Technology, vol. 2, Issue-6, June 2014, pp. 783-789, ISSN No: 2309-4893. |
18 |
P. Vani, B. Rama Devi, “Performance of Different Cooperative Routing Algorithms in Wireless Networks”, International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology (IJETT), Vol. 4, Issue 10, pp. 4525 – 4534, Oct. 2013.ISSN:2231- 5381. URL: page-783-789-Rama-devi.pdf |
Publications in Refereed Conference Proceedings : | |
1 |
E. Suresh, and Boddu Rama Devi, “Data Traffic Aware Adaptive Beacon Interval,” In: IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ICIETS), 20-21 Sept. 2018, NIE Institute of Technology, Koorgalli, Mysore, Karnataka, India. (in press) |
2 |
Boddu Rama Devi, E. Susmitha, “Adaptive Outage Management System in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” IEEE International Conference On Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical And Computing (EECCMC), 28 Jan - 29 Jan 2018 (in press). |
3 |
Boddu Rama Devi, E. Susmitha, “Energy Distribution and Pricing based on Load Demand Taxonomy in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI), 23-24 Nov. 2017, doi: 10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365344 |
4 |
Boddu Rama Devi, “Thermometer Approach based Energy Distribution in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” 2018 International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET 2018), Chengdu, China, May 23-27, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ELTECH.2018.8401459 |
5 |
S. Naga Raju, Boddu Rama Devi, “Load Weight Based Energy Distribution and Dynamic Pricing using Fuzzy Logic in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” presented in Int. Conf. on Science, Technology & Management (ICSTM-2017), 24th Sept. 2017. URL: 22156.pdf |
6 |
Boddu Rama Devi, “Effective Road and Street Light Load Demand Control in A Smart City,” presented in: 6th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics & Communication Engineering on 21st & 22nd July 2017, organized by Dept. of ECE, Guru Nanak Institutions, Hyderabad, Telangana; published in: Int. J. of Applied and Advanced Scientific Research, Special Issue, July - 2017. |
7 |
Rama Devi Boddu, K. Kishan Rao, M. Asha Rani, “Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for MANETs”, Proc. of Second Intl. Conf. On Advances In Computing, Control And Networking - ACCN 2015, pp. 42-46, 28-29 August, 2015. ISBN: 978-1-63248-073-6, DOI: 10.15224/978-1-63248-073-6-09. URL: Published in: Int J. of Advances in Computer Networks and Its Security– (IJCNS), vol. 5, Issue 2, ISSN : 2250-3757, 30 October, pp.40-45, 2015, |
8 |
B. Rama Devi, M. Asha Rani, K. Kishan Rao, “Energy Efficient Cooperative Node Selection for OFDM Systems Based on SNR Estimation”, In: Int. Conf. on Computer & Communication Technologies (IC3T 2K14) on 29th March, 2014 at CMR Technical Campus, Medchal, Hyderabad. Int. Journal of Advances in Computer, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, vol. 3, Issue 1, Special Issue of IC3T 2014, 2014, pp.32-36, ISSN: 2248-9584. |
9 |
B. Dharmendar, B. Rama Devi, Sunitha. M, B. Naveen Kumar, “Implementation of Cooperative coding for standard Amplify and Forward, Decode and Forward in Wireless Communications”, Proceedings of International Conference on Photonics, VLSI and Signal Processing, pp. 413-417,28-29th March 2014. |
10 |
B. Rama Devi, K. Kishan Rao, M. Asha Rani, “ Bit Error Probability Analysis of Cooperative Relay Selection OFDM Systems Based on SNR Estimation”, 16th WSEAS International Conference on Computers (part of the 16th CSCC / CSCC 2012), Kos Island, Greece, July 14-17, pp.427-432, 2012, ISBN No: 978-1-61804- 109-8. URL: |
11 |
K. Sivani, C.V.K. Reddy, B. Rama Devi, Prof. K. Lal Kishore, “A Low Power 6- Bit Successive Approximation CMOS ADC”, International Conference on Recent Advances in Communication engineering, 20-23 December, 2008. |
12 |
B. Rama Devi, K. Kishan Rao & M. Asha Rani, “Performance of Modified Bellman Ford Algorithm for Varying Network Traffic”, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICICSIT -2015), pp.411-415, 28-29 August 2015, MGIT campus Hyderabad , ISBN : 978-93-85100-08-6. |
13 |
D. Rakesh Reddy & B. Ramadevi,” Improving Network Life Time Based On Energy Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Networks”, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICICSIT -2015), pp.615-621, 28-29 August 2015 at MGIT campus Hyderabad , ISBN : 978-93- 85100-08-6. |
14 |
B. Rama Devi, J. Karthik, “A High Bit Rate Serial – Serial Multiplier”, In: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, Goa, INDIA, 28th August, pp.87-91, 2012. (ISBN No: 987-9381361-17-7) & Published In: International Journal of Advanced Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJAEEE), ISSN (Print): 2278-8948, vol.1, Issue-2, 2012. URL: |
15 |
Dr. B. Rama Devi, “Performance Analysis of different Scheduling Algorithms in Wimax Network Quality of Services”, In: DST Approved 1st National Conference on Computer Security, Image Processing, Graphics, Mobility & Analytics (NCCSIGMA), 17-18 December, 2016 at CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad, India. Published In: International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science, Special Issue (NCCSIGMA-16), pp. 97-100, ISSN: 2349- 6495(P) | 2456-1908(O), URL: |
16 |
N. Lalith, B. Dharmendar, B. Rama Devi, K. Sunanda, “ Cooperative Coding for AAF and DAF in Wireless Communications,” National Conference on Recent Advancements & Electronics RACE’11, Kamala Institute of Technology & Science, Huzurabad, 11-12th March 2011. |
17 |
L. Rajesh, B. Rama Devi, “ A low power scalable DAC architecture for LCD drivers”, XIX Congress of APSMS – 2010 & National Conference on Cryptography and Network Security, Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology & Science, Karimnagar, 12-14th Nov. 2010. |
18 |
B. Dharmendar, B. Rama Devi, Ch. Navitha “ Cooperative Coding for Wireless Communications”, XIX Congress of APSMS – 2010 & National Conference on Cryptography and Network Security, Jyothishmathi Institute of Technology & Science, Karimnagar, 12-14th Nov. 2010. |
1 |
E. Suresh, and Boddu Rama Devi, “Data Traffic Aware Adaptive Beacon Interval,” In: IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (ICIETS), 20-21 Sept. 2018, NIE Institute of Technology, Koorgalli, Mysore, Karnataka, India. (in press) |
2 |
Boddu Rama Devi, E. Susmitha, “Adaptive Outage Management System in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” IEEE International Conference On Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical And Computing (EECCMC), 28 Jan - 29 Jan 2018 (in press). |
3 |
Boddu Rama Devi, E. Susmitha, “Energy Distribution and Pricing based on Load Demand Taxonomy in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” IEEE International Conference on Inventive Computing and Informatics (ICICI), 23-24 Nov. 2017, doi: 10.1109/ICICI.2017.8365344 |
4 |
Boddu Rama Devi, “Thermometer Approach based Energy Distribution in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” 2018 International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET 2018), Chengdu, China, May 23-27, 2018. DOI: 10.1109/ELTECH.2018.8401459 |
5 |
S. Naga Raju, Boddu Rama Devi, “Load Weight Based Energy Distribution and Dynamic Pricing using Fuzzy Logic in a Smart Grid Tree Network,” presented in Int. Conf. on Science, Technology & Management (ICSTM-2017), 24th Sept. 2017. |
6 |
Boddu Rama Devi, “Effective Road and Street Light Load Demand Control in A Smart City,” presented in: 6th International Conference on Innovations in Electronics & Communication Engineering on 21st & 22nd July 2017, organized by Dept. of ECE, Guru Nanak Institutions, Hyderabad, Telangana. |
7 |
Rama Devi Boddu, K. Kishan Rao, M. Asha Rani, “Energy Efficient Routing Algorithm for MANETs”, Proc. of Second Intl. Conf. On Advances In Computing, Control And Networking - ACCN 2015, pp. 42-46, 28-29 August, 2015. ISBN: 978-1- 63248-073-6, DOI: 10.15224/978-1-63248-073-6-09. |
8 |
B. Rama Devi, M. Asha Rani, K. Kishan Rao, “Energy Efficient Cooperative Node Selection for OFDM Systems Based on SNR Estimation”, In: Int. Conf. on Computer & Communication Technologies (IC3T 2K14) on 29th March, 2014 at CMR Technical Campus, Medchal, Hyderabad. |
9 |
B. Dharmendar, B. Rama Devi, Sunitha. M, B. Naveen Kumar, “Implementation of Cooperative coding for standard Amplify and Forward, Decode and Forward in Wireless Communications”, Proceedings of International Conference on Photonics, VLSI and Signal Processing, pp. 413-417,28-29th March 2014. |
10 |
B. Rama Devi, K. Kishan Rao & M. Asha Rani, “Performance of Modified Bellman Ford Algorithm for Varying Network Traffic”, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICICSIT -2015), pp.411-415, 28-29 August 2015, MGIT campus Hyderabad , ISBN : 978-93-85100-08- 6. |
11 |
D. Rakesh Reddy & B. Ramadevi,” Improving Network Life Time Based On Energy Efficient Routing in Ad Hoc Networks”, International Conference on Innovations in Computer Science and Information Technology (ICICSIT -2015), pp.615-621, 28-29 August 2015 at MGIT campus Hyderabad , ISBN : 978-93-85100- 08-6. |
12 |
B. Rama Devi, J. Karthik, “A High Bit Rate Serial – Serial Multiplier”, In: International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Science, Goa, INDIA, 28th August, pp.87-91, 2012. (ISBN No: 987-9381361-17-7). |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Dr. B. Rama Devi, Dr. Komalla Ashoka Reddy, “Balanced dual layered multiple segmented wheel tire,” Application No. TEMP/E1/17887/2019-CHE, Dated: 3.05.2019. (Filed). |
2 |
Dr. B. Rama Devi, Dr. Komalla Ashoka Reddy, Anil Mudulakar, “Zone Control System for Motion Detection based Light Intensity Control and Methods Employed Thereof,” Application No. TEMP/E-1/14259/2019-CHE, Date: 12.4.2019. (Filed). |
3 |
Dr. B. Rama Devi, Shyam Prasad Ch., Surya Narayana L., “Method for preparation and analysis of organic salt enriched with iron,” Application No. TEMP/E-1/13872/2019-CHE, Dated: 12.04.2019. (Filed). |
4 |
Dr. B. Rama Devi, Prof. K. Ashoka Reddy, Sayeda Kaonain, “SYSTEM TO PREVENT SAND PERCOLATION,” Application No. TEMP/E-1/45463/2018- CHE, Dated: 9.11.2018. (Filed). |
5 |
Rama Devi, Dr. K. Srujan Raju, Prof. M. Asha Rani, Prof. K. Kishan Rao, “An Optimum Energy Saving System and Method for a Wireless Communication Network”, b)Application No.712/CHE/2015 A, INDIA (Filed). |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Rama Devi Boddu, Kishan Rao K, Asha Rani M, “Energy efficient Routing Techniques-Using Cooperative Algorithms for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks,” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Jan. 2018. ISBN-13: 978-620-2-08017-0 ISBN-10: 6202080175 EAN: 9786202080170. |
2 |
Dr. K. Sivani and Dr. B. Rama Devi, “SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGN,” Blue Rose Publishers, 2019. |
3 |
Prof. B. Rama Devi, Sri. E. Suresh, Smt. E. Susmitha, “Advanced Signal Processing Techniques in Communication using Simulink,” LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Jun. 2019. ISBN-13: 978-620-0-22225-1. |
S.No |
Details |
1 |
Member – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE - 189154) |
2 |
Member – Indian Society for Technical Education (LM ISTE ) |
3 |
Member – Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE-M92217318) |
4 |
AP TS AOTs- Associative member |
Undergraduate Level |
Courses Taught |
Currently Teaching |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Course |
Semester, Year, Branch |
Analog Communication Systems |
I Sem, III/IV, ECE |
Digital Integrated Circuits |
Linear Integrated Circuits |
I Sem, III/IV, ECE |
Digital Communication Systems |
Digital Integrated Circuits |
II Sem, II/IV, ECE |
Digital Communication Systems |
II Sem, II/IV, ECE |
Computer Architecture |
I Sem, II/IV, ECE |
Electronic Devices & Circuits–II |
Analog And Digital Communication Systems Lab |
Cellular and Mobile Communication |
Electronic Devices & Circuits-I Lab |
I Sem, II/IV, ECE |
Linear Integrated Circuits Lab |
I Sem, III/IV, ECE |
Switching Theory And Logic Design |
II Sem, II Yr, ECE |
Pulse and Digital Circuits |
I Sem, ECE, III/IV |
Electronic Devices and Circuits |
I Sem, II/IV, ECE |
VLSI Design |
I Sem, ECE, IV/IV |
Micro Processors & Micro Controllers |
Postgraduate Level |
Analog Design |
I Sem, M.Tech-VLSI & ES |
Mixed Signal Design |
II Sem, M.Tech-VLSI & ES |
Wireless & Mobile Communications |
II Sem, M.Tech-DC |
Communications Lab |
I Sem, M.Tech-DC |
Communication system modeling |
Analog and Mixed Signal Design |
S.No. |
Title of Research Scholar’s Thesis |
Research Scholar Name & Roll No./year |
Research Degree |
Status |
Minimum-Energy Cooperative Routing in Wireless Networks with Channel Variations |
Vani |
M.Tech. – (DC) |
Present batch |
Energy Efficiency OF Cooperative MANETs |
Anitha & 2011-2012 |
M.Tech. – (DC) |
Awarded |
A High Bit Rate Serial-Serial Multiplier |
J.KARTHIK & 10016T-7205 / |
(VLSI & ES) |
Awarded |
Implementation of High Performance of Parallel Decimal Multiplier By Using LUT’S |
(VLSI & ES) |
Awarded |
Multi Relay Cooperative OFDM with Amplify and Forward Relaying |
M.Tech. – (DC) |
Awarded |
A multi-relay Selection Algorithm Based on the Residual Energy |
Gouri Pundalik |
M.Tech. – (DC) |
Awarded |
Low Power Design Using Swaram OptimizationTechnique |
Hari Krishna |
(VLSI & ES) |
Awarded |
A Low Power Scalable DAC Architecture for LCD Drivers |
L. Rjesh / |
(VLSI & ES) |
Awarded |
Cooperative coding for wireless communication |
B.DHARMENDAR & 08016T-6616/ 2009-2010 |
M.Tech – (DC) |
Awarded |
8-bit Low power High Speed Segmented CMOS D/A Converter |
Navatha |
(VLSI & ES) |
Awarded |
Improving Subband Spectral Estimation Using Modified AR Model |
J.Saraswathi |
M.Tech. – (DC) |
Awarded |
S.No. | Title |
Place |
Duration |
Sponsoring Agency |
1 |
Patent Drafting for Beginners |
4WEEKS, March 2019 |
2 |
Roadmap for patent creation |
8WEEKS, March 2019 |
3 |
2 day national symposium on “Deep learning for Engineering Applications (DEA2019)” |
Computer Center, NIT Warangal |
25-26 February, 2019 |
4 |
2 day national symposium on “Deep learning for Engineering Applications (DEA2019)” |
Nalla Narsimha Reddy Education Society’s Group of Institutions, Chowdariguda, Hyderabad, Telangana. |
17-22 Dec., 2018 |
5 |
FDP on - 5G Wireless Communications |
1 week & 18-23 Dec., 2017 |
Electronics and ICT Academy, NITW |
6 |
FDP on -Advances in Wireless Communication Systems |
CMRCET, Hyderabad |
CMRCET, Hyderabad |
sponsored by IEEE & ISTE |
7 |
Quality Assurance in Higher Educational Institutions and Industries |
19-23 July 2017 1 Week |
8 |
Machine learning and data science with practical approach for eng. applications |
CMR Technical campus, Medchal |
3-8 July 2017 |
9 |
Hands on Labview and its applications in Engineering |
ECE & E&I Dept., KITS, Warangal |
4-9 May 2017 1 Week |
IEEE KITS Student Chapter Branch |
10 |
Engineering Education and research seminar |
Hotel Ashoka, Warangal |
2nd Feb. 2017 1 Day |
National Instruments, India |
11 |
Signal Processing and Techniques |
MVSR Engineering College |
15-19 Nov. 2016 1 Week |
Matrusri Educational Society |
12 |
Wireless sensor networks: Network Architectures, Protocols & Applications |
NIT, Warangal |
28th May-8th June 2016 2 Weeks |
13 |
Pervasive and Mobile Computing |
Electronics & ICT Academy, NIT, Warangal |
24th Nov.-3rd Dec., 2015 |
14 |
Research Methodologies and Preparation of Research Proposals |
CMR Technical Campus, Medichal Road, Hyderabad |
24th Jan 2015 2 Weeks |
15 |
Effective Functioning of an Autonomous Institution |
KITS, Warangal |
17-18th Jan. 2015 1 Day |
16 |
Teacher’s Role in an Autonomous Institution |
KITS, Warangal |
29th November,2014 |
17 |
Two day workshop on “Beneficial Applications of Ionizing Radiation” |
KITS, Warangal |
8-9th, Feb. 2014 2 Days |
IGCAR, Kalpakkam |
18 |
Simulation of Wireless Networks |
JNTUH college of Eng. & Nihon Comm. Pvt. Ltd. |
15-16 Apr. 2013 1 Day |
TEQIP & Nihon Comm. Pvt. Ltd. |
19 |
MATLAB & Simulink for Engineering Education |
Math Work India Pvt. Ltd., Hyd. |
31st August, 2012 1 Day |
Math Work India Pvt. Ltd |
20 |
Fundamentals & Advances in MIMO Communication System & Network |
R&T Unit for National Electronics, O.U, Hyderabad. |
22nd Oct. 2011 1 Day |
IEEE Hyderabad Section |
21 |
Network Coding: Why, Where and How |
C.R.Rao AIMSCS, University of Hyderabad campus |
25th July 2011 1 Day |
IEEE Hyderabad Section |
22 |
Cooperative Communication Systems: Theory and Practice |
IIIT Hyderabad. |
25th Sept. 2010 1 Day |
IEEE Hyderabad Section |
23 |
Hands on Digital Signal Processing Tools, algorithms, architectures |
JITS, Narsampet, Warangal |
7-19 Dec. 2009 2 Weeks |
AICTE Sponsored |
24 |
Signal Processing |
NIT, Warangal |
26th May –7th June, 2008 2 Weeks |
25 |
Future GPS and its issues |
O.U, Hyderabad |
7th Sep. 2007 1 Day |
26 |
FPGA based design for VLSI and Embedded System Applications |
Warangal |
28th July , 2007 1 Day |
IETE sub center |
27 |
DSP tools |
Warangal |
28-29 Dec. 2006 2 Days |
IETE sub center |
28 |
Advances in signal processing and comm.. systems (ASPCS-05) |
KITS, Warangal |
19-21 Sep 2005 2 Days |
-- |
29 |
Information Technology |
JNTU, Hyderabad |
IETE sub center |
30 |
VLSI technology |
Sreenidhi Institute of 8-15 July, 2001 ISTE Page 11 of 16 Science & Technology, Hyd. |
2 Weeks |
S.No. | Place of visit |
Purpose of visit |
Name of Event |
Duration |
1 |
Chengdu, China |
To present a paper |
IEEE International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET) |
27 May 2018 |
2 |
Khatmandu, Nepal |
AP TS AoTs Chapter Representative |
SAFAAS Annual General Body Meeting (AGM) |
18.2.2019 |
S. No. |
Details | |
1 |
Organization committee (Technical Committee member) of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET) on 23 May - 27 May 2018 at Chengdu, China. |
2 |
Worked as a organizer for 6th International Conference on “Swarm, Evolutionary and Memetic Computing (SEMCOO 2015)”, organized by Dept. of CSE & ECE CMR Technical Campus on 18-19 December 2015. |
3 |
Chaired the session in “ International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computations in Engineering Systems (ICAIECES-2017) & Power, Circuit and Information Technologies (ICPCIT-2017) Organized by Madanapalle Institute of Technology & Science, 27th April 2017, A.P, India. |
4 |
Chaired the session in the DST Approved First National Conference on Computer Security, Image Processing, Graphics, Mobility & Analytics (NCCSIGMA- 2K16) on 17-18 Dec 2016 at CMR Technical Campus. |
1 |
Secretary General AP TS AOTs Chapter. |
2 |
EDITOR: | ||
1 |
Editor for “Inspire”, KITS Warangal Alumni Association (KITSWAA) Quarterly e- News Letter” for (i) Vol.2,Issue 2, 15th September 2014 (ii) Vol.2,Issue 1, 6th April 2014 and (iii) Vol.1, Issue 1, 22nd Dec 2013. |
1 |
Active reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (TVT) |
2 |
Reviewer of “Wireless Personal Communications” journal by Springer. |
3 |
Reviewer of Signal and Information Processing J., Whioce Publishing Pte. Ltd. from Singapore |
4 |
Recent Patents on Computer Science, ISSN: 1874-4796 |
5 |
IEEE International Conference on Electronics Technology (ICET) on 23 May - 27 May 2018 at Chengdu. |
S. No. |
Details |
1 |
Coordinator for 2 days Faculty Development Program on “Advanced Signal Processing Techniques in Communications (ASPTC-2013)” during 22nd & 23rd March 2013 |
2 |
Organized One-day workshop on “Responsibility of youth in implementing technology for better society” as a coordinator on 13th December 2014 by Sri. P. Datta Prasad, CEO, 4S Techno Systems, Hyderabad. |
3 |
One day seminar on “Latest Trends in Science and Technology: A Rational Thinking” conducted on 28th February, 2017, on the eve of national science day was organized by Departments of PSS and M&H in association with ISTE KITS WARANGAL Chapter. |
As an ISTE Faculty in charge from 2014-2017 the following Activities conducted under ISTE KITSW Chapter: | |
1 |
Organized Traffic Safety and Helmet Awareness Program at KITSW in Association with Women cell, KITSW under ISTE Chapter on 18-2-2017. |
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One day workshop on “Mera Desh Mahan” was organized under student chapter on 2017 in under ISTE KITSW Chapter during Sumshodhini-17. |
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A poster presentation on “Emerging Technologies & Innovations For Upcoming Generations,” was organized by ISTE KITS WARANGAL CHAPTER on 27th October 2016. |
4 |
ISTE KITS Student Chapter organized a one day workshop on “Digital Image Processing & It’s Applications” on 8-2-2017 under the Dept. of E.C.E. |
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A 1-day workshop on “Aero Modelling” was organized under student chapter on 22nd January 2016 in under ISTE KITSW Chapter. |
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A 1-day workshop on “STARTUPs in INDIA” was organized under student chapter on 23nd January 2016 in under ISTE KITSW Chapter. |
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One day workshop on “Women Empowerment” was organized under student chapter on 23nd January 2016 in under ISTE KITSW Chapter |
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Short Film Contest was organized under student chapter on 23nd January 2016 in under ISTE KITSW Chapter. |
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A technical event “TECHTRIX” has been organized under student chapter on 14th March 2015 in association with EEE Department. |
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A 2-day workshop on “Quad Copter” was organized under student chapter on 28th February 2015 and 1st March 2015. |
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One day workshop on “Say No to child labour” was organized on 24th January 2015 in association with ECE Department. |
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Seven department workshops, four workshops under ISTE KITSW Chapter, more than 50 events was organized under SUMSHODHINI’16, a national level student technical festival on 2-23 January 2016 in association with ISTE KITSW Chapter. |
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KITZILLA’15 was organized to create awareness on open web and opportunities at MOZILLA on 10th January 2015 in association with CSE Department. |
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SPOORTI’14 an interactive session for 3rd year students to TCS selected students was organized in 14th September 2014 in association with T&P. |
The following events were conducted in during ECE dept. Association incharge: | |
1 |
Conducted seminar on “The Art of Living Committee on Personality Development & Building up Confidence” on 2-07-2009 at 12.10pm-1.15pm , KITSW Auditorium. |
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Conducted seminar on “Latest C Language in the Market VC++, Python etc” by Mr. D. Rohith Reddy (CEO, DIGIN.IN) on 25-02-2010 at 12.10am-1.15pm, KITSW Auditorium |
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Conducted seminar on “Live Skills” by Mr. B. Somanatha Raju, Counseling Psychologist on 04-3-2010 at 12.20am-12.50pm, KITSW Auditorium |
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Conducted seminar on “Stress Management” by Mr. Srikanthacharya, Consultant Psychologist & hypnotherapist, HOD, Krishna Institute of Medical Science Ltd. on 04-3-2010 at 12.20am-12.50pm, KITSW Auditorium. |
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ISTE KITSW Student Chapter received ISTE best chapter award in Telagana State for 2016-2017 year and I acted as ISTE Faculty In charge for that period |
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Best paper award received for the paper, “A Robust Spectral Efficiency Analysis of Massive MIMO: Improvements and Developments”. In: ICAIECES-2017 & ICPCIT-2017, 27-29 April 2017, MITS, Madanapalli, A.P., INDIA. |
3 |
Participated and excelled in the refresher course on “VLSI Technology” organized by ECE Dept. of Sreenidhi Institute of Science & Technology, Hyderabad (sponsored by ISTE) from July 8-15th , 2001 got best participant of the course |
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Details | |
1 |
Faculty Advisor of ISTE Student Chapter from 03-09-2014 to August 2018.(Order No.106/OP/KITS/2014, Dated: 03-09-2014) |
2 |
Coordinator for SUMSHODHINI’17” a National level technical festival and organized 10 workshops with nearly 80 events. |
3 |
Co-coordinator for “SUMSHODHINI’16”, a National level technical festival and organized 10 workshops with nearly 65 events. |
4 |
Acted as I/c President & Vice-President for KITSTA during 2015-2017. |
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Secretary of KITSWAA from 2014 to 2016. We have taken many initiative under KITSWAA like scholarships for students, Alumni Auditorium proposal, organized several meeting for bringing alumni to the institute to benefit the student community etc. |
6 |
Member of the Quality Circle formed on 13.11.2015, KITS, Warangal.(Order No. 406/OP/KITS/2015 ; Dated:16-11-2015). |
7 |
Editorial Board member for “Inspire”, KITS Warangal Alumni Association Quarterly e- News Letter” for (i) Vol.3,Issue 2, 10th December 2015 |
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Contact Person of Alumni Guest Lectures and actively looking after the Alumni Guest Lectures arrangements during 2012-2014. Organized many alumni guest lecturers in the college. |
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Executive Council member of KITSWAA 2012-2014. Initiated “Inspire”, KITS Warangal Alumni Association Quarterly e- News Letter and acted as Editorial Board member. |
10 |
Staff Coordinator for National Level Student Technical Symposium “Electrocom’09” organized by the Dept. of ECE on Sept. 4-5th 2009. |
11 |
External examiner for M. Tech Project viva for various colleges under JNTUH. |
12 |
Observer for EAMCET – 2014 conducted on May 22, 2014 and visited Kariminagar. |
1 |
Coordinator for M. Tech Digital Communication 15/7/2015 to till date. |
2 |
Member of Department Project Evaluation Committee 2012 – till date |
3 |
Lab in-charge for ADCS Lab from 2015-2017 and prepared Analog Communication Lab and Digital Communication Lab manuals. |
4 |
Dept. Coordinator for R&D activities for the 2013 to 2016. (Order No. 437/ECE/KITS/2013, Dated: 29-06-2013). |
5 |
In charge for Digital Communication Lab 2010- 2015. |
6 |
Editor In-charge for Department News Letter for Vol. 4, Issue 1, Date: 17-12- 2015. |
7 |
Editor In-charge for Department Annual Technical magazine “ELECTROMANIA” for (i) Vol. I, June 2011 (ii) Vol. II, 2012 and Faculty Editorial Board member for Vol. III, Nov. 2013. 3. |
8 |
Accompanied for ECE Dept. Industrial Tour in 2012-2013. |
9 |
Upgraded the Lab Manuals of B. Tech Analog & Digital Communication Lab and M.Tech Communication System Modeling Lab in 2012. |
10 |
In charge for Dept. Industrial Tour 2010-2011. Successfully organized 1 week tour. Accompanies ECE Departmental Educational Tour and visited HAL, Bangalore; Hindustan Photo Films MFG Co. Ltd. and Doddabetta Tea factory at Ooty etc. (Ref: No. KITS/T&P/Educational Tours/ECE/2011, Dated: 8-01-2011). |
11 |
Established new Digital Communication Laboratory for M. Tech. in 2010-2011. |
12 |
In-charge for ECE Depatarment Jawahar Knowledge Centre (JKC) from 2010- 2011. (Order No. KITS/ECE/2010, Dated: 27-04-2010). |
13 |
Accompanied Educational Tour to JKC students and visited TCS, HI-Tech City, Hyderabad in 2011 |
14 |
Member of Department Post Graduate Review Committee (DPGRC) for evaluating M.Tech (VLSI & Embedded Systems) 2008-2010. (No. KITS/PA/2009, Dated: 22-12-2009). |
15 |
ECE Department Association In charge for 2009-2010. |
16 |
Dept. Library in charge for 2008-2009. |
17 |
Establish new Department library for the Department 2008-2009. |
18 |
Developed Simulink modules for M. Tech Digital Communication Lab experiments. |
19 |
Timetable in charge during 2008-09. |
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In charge for Signal Processing Lab 2007 -2009. |
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In charge M. Tech Projects 2007-08. |
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Actively involving overall department/institutional committees/works like CoCurricular Activities Committee (CCAC), NBA accreditation, stack verification, project evolution committee, lab manuals preparation work etc. |
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Title of Conference/ Seminar etc. |
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